Bacchus on a Panther in India

Bacchus sur une panthère en IndeBacchus sur une panthère en Inde
Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde

Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde


Bacchus on a Panther in India. When you think about the Greek or Roman mythology your first guest is not to associate a country like India to it. According to the myth, Bacchus (also known as Dionysus) conquered this territory where he instituted law, art and wine… wine? Certainly viticulture has not taken root in India thereafter. It was after the conquest of India that he fought the Amazons and continued his rather incredible story in Thrace and at Mount Cithaeron where he organized famous orgies and then up to Olympus and became one of the 12 great gods.

Very well preserved and very beautiful, the mosaics of the Gallo-Roman museum in Lyon is a real treasure of antiquity. The four seasons Mosaic with Bacchus at the center are an example of what had once been a floor covering and now for us a magnificent work of art.



Mosaique aux saisons

Mosaique aux saisons


Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde

Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde


Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde

Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde


Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde

Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde


Mosaique aux saisons - Le printemps

Mosaique aux saisons – Le printemps


Mosaique aux saisons - Le printemps

Mosaique aux saisons – Le printemps