The God of Coligny is a bronze at the Museum of Gallo-Roman civilization in Lyon – Fourvière. This Statue was discovered in 1897 in the town of Coligny, it was made around the 1st century after J. -C and is from Gallo -Roman origin… Probably the God Mars. We can definitely say that it is a beautiful piece of man, the morphology is special because it represents a figure closer to the real male body, more bulkier, with a strong abdomen but still muscled, he have a torso fairly developed but not bulging compared to classical Greek and Roman statues more idealized.
The eyes were probably made of precious stones and the upper part of the head is completely truncated, from assumptions, probably a warrior helmet or a crown took place there and it was certainly made whit a precious material as the bronze statue itself… gold? No trace of the missing parts was found.