Lyon plaster sculpture Study
Étude de sculpture platre The Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon have a large collection of plaster sculpture study, as this young man prostrate in kneeling position which seems to beg a threat or…
Étude de sculpture platre The Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon have a large collection of plaster sculpture study, as this young man prostrate in kneeling position which seems to beg a threat or…
Bacchus on a Panther in India. When you think about the Greek or Roman mythology your first guest is not to associate a country like India to it. According to the myth, Bacchus (also…
The God of Coligny is a bronze at the Museum of Gallo-Roman civilization in Lyon – Fourvière. This Statue was discovered in 1897 in the town of Coligny, it was made around the 1st century…
The crossing of the Alps from France to Italy is an easy thing today, Aliénor d’Aquitaine and Napoleon would probably have appreciated the TGV 😉 A great opportunity to use the train as a travel…
Located on the historic hill of Fourvière, this basilica in magnificent white stones dominates the resplendent city of Lyon. It was built from 1872 to 1884 on the site of the Saint-Thomas chapel following a…
Chactas is so sad for its beautiful and very Christian Atala . Chactas Meditating on Atala’s Tomb from Francisque Duret was inspired by a Chateaubriand story that depicts the Native American idealism for the 19 th…