Napoléon Bonaparte

Tomb of Napoleon low reliefs

Napoleon idealized heroes in ten bas-reliefs decorating the crypt of his tomb in the Invalides, almost seem from the Roman or Greek era with the chlamys and the chitôns. The bas-relief of public works is…

Les trois Grâces

The Three Graces

The three daughters of Jupiter, Thalie, Euphrosyne and Aglaia represent abundance, joy and splendor, respectively. The three Graces are positive symbols representing happiness, fertility, beauty and creativity as much for the Romans as for the…


Venus, Goddess of Love

Venus, the goddess of love and fertility, venerated by the Romans her cult was assimilated to that of Aphrodite among the Greeks. Patroness of the city of Pompei under the name of Venus Fisica Pompeiana,…

Torse d'homme - Haut-Empire romain

Torso of man-high-Roman Empire

Man’s torso – Marble – High Roman Empire 2nd centuries BC J. -C … Here is another example of a Roman copy of Greek sculpture, from the 5th century BC. J. -C. in that case….

La Déposition

The deposition – Pieter Van Mol

The deposition. Pieter van Mol was a Flemish painter born in Antwerp in 1599 and died in Paris on April 8, 1650. Between the Flemish and French painting schools, he is one of the 12…

Madame George Drummond - Gainsborough

Madame George Drummond – Gainsborough

Madame George Drummond, 1779-1782 – Thomas Gainsborough is a famous British painter known for his landscapes and magnificent portraits, he mastered, as in this painting, the finesse of the transparent and draped fabrics. Madame George…

Rentrée de la moisson

Re-entry of the harvest – Bloemaert

Return of the harvest of Abraham Bloemaert, around 1625-1630. Initially a Mannerist moving towards classicism, this Dutch painter had a Caravaggesque period following the contact with this style around 1620. This painting resulting from his…

Napoléon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte in front of the future

This magnificent bust of Napoleon Bonaparte from the Ben Weider collection at MBAM is positioned in the centre of one of the front colonnades of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, which offers a special urban…

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The Relay runner

This bronze of 1910 is a work by Robert Tait McKenzie and represents a very beautiful naked relay rider in the idealized Greek style but with a very modern physiognomy. The haircut is very dandy…

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The wounded

A Belgian sculptor of great talent, Jef Lambeaux created around twenty monumental works for public space. A polemist with a very romantic personality, he got some glory in his time. Recalling the ancient sculpture of…