
Le Dieu de Coligny

The God of Coligny

The God of Coligny is a bronze at the Museum of Gallo-Roman civilization in Lyon – Fourvière. This Statue was discovered in 1897 in the town of Coligny, it was made around the 1st century…

Figurine votive romaine

Roman Votive Miniatures

God, athlete or family member The votive figurines have existed since prehistoric times but will take their large scale expansions among the Greeks. Made of terracotta, the Tanagras had a craze that exceeded the borders…

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The Relay runner

This bronze of 1910 is a work by Robert Tait McKenzie and represents a very beautiful naked relay rider in the idealized Greek style but with a very modern physiognomy. The haircut is very dandy…

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The wounded

A Belgian sculptor of great talent, Jef Lambeaux created around twenty monumental works for public space. A polemist with a very romantic personality, he got some glory in his time. Recalling the ancient sculpture of…

Statuette de Bacchus

Statuette of Bacchus

Bacchus (Greek, Dionysus) is the god of fertility and wine. His cult is associated with wild rituals, sensual and unbridled, where sex and drunkenness often hold a large place. Despite the decree adopted by the…

Chactas sur la tombe d'Atala

Chactas Meditating on Atala’s Tomb

Chactas is so sad for its beautiful and very Christian Atala . Chactas Meditating on Atala’s Tomb from Francisque Duret was inspired by a Chateaubriand story that depicts the Native American idealism for the 19 th…