Statuette d'un athlète ou d'un guerrier

Statuette of an athlete or warrior

There is little information about this heroic sculpture except that it comes from the House of Scientists in Pompeii. Statuette of an athlete or a warrior? This is the title given to him at the…

Apollon archaïque

Archaic Apollo with a griffin

This sculpture of Apollo accompanied by a griffin was discovered in the house of Menander in Pompeii. This house probably belonged to a certain Quintus Poppeus who was related to Nero’s second wife, Poppea. Despite…

Apollon Chigi

Apollo Chigi

The original Greek sculptures are limited and very rare, often very damaged and sometimes having only a written description of their existence, thats why most representations of Greek statue in smaller museums are Roman immitations…

Notre-Dame de Fourvière

Our Lady of Fourviere

Located on the historic hill of Fourvière, this basilica in magnificent white stones dominates the resplendent city of Lyon. It was built from 1872 to 1884 on the site of the Saint-Thomas chapel following a…

Fontaine de Neptune

Neptune Fountain by Bartolomeo Ammannati

The Neptune Fountain is located at the entrance of Piazza della Signoria in Florence. This work is by Bartolomeo Ammannati with the participation of his students including Il Giambologna. Nicknamed Il Biancone by the Florentines…

Chactas sur la tombe d'Atala

Chactas Meditating on Atala’s Tomb

Chactas is so sad for its beautiful and very Christian Atala . Chactas Meditating on Atala’s Tomb from Francisque Duret was inspired by a Chateaubriand story that depicts the Native American idealism for the 19 th…