Archaic Apollo with a griffin

Apollon archaïqueApollon archaïque
Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque

This sculpture of Apollo accompanied by a griffin was discovered in the house of Menander in Pompeii. This house probably belonged to a certain Quintus Poppeus who was related to Nero’s second wife, Poppea. Despite its archaic type it is dated 1st century and is probably a forgery of this period, the archaic period extending from 800 BC. J. – C. to 480 av. J.-C .. Why a certain Quintus Poppeus would have wanted a sculpture with an outdated look date in his day? Nobody really knows it;) But probably for the same reason that one of our contemporaries wants to have a bust of Napoleon at his house today.

The beautiful young griffin is a very special pet … but good Apollo is a God who can not live with a simple mutt. His pose suggests the desire to play as a small dog who wants to attract the attention of his master. The griffon is a mythological creature with lion’s body and eagle’s head and it has the distinction of having a cockcrest, it is often associated with the God Apollo.

This sculpture is at Mann in Naple and exhibited in Montreal in the beautiful Pompeii exhibition until September 2016 at the MMFA.


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque


Apollon archaïque

Apollon archaïque