
Étude de sculpture platre

Lyon plaster sculpture Study

Étude de sculpture platre   The Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon have a large collection of plaster sculpture study, as this young man prostrate in kneeling position which seems to beg a threat or…

Bacchus sur une panthère en Inde

Bacchus on a Panther in India

  Bacchus on a Panther in India. When you think about the Greek or Roman mythology your first guest is not to associate a country like India to it. According to the myth, Bacchus (also…

Le Dieu de Coligny

The God of Coligny

The God of Coligny is a bronze at the Museum of Gallo-Roman civilization in Lyon – Fourvière. This Statue was discovered in 1897 in the town of Coligny, it was made around the 1st century…

Fontaine de Neptune

Neptune Fountain in Rome

There are about more than 2,500 fountains in Rome, from the smallest like the Fontana delle api up to the large and majestic as the one of Trevi. The Fountain of Neptune is one of…

Masque d'esclave de la nouvelle comédie

Slave mask of the New Comedy

Masque d’esclave de la nouvelle comédie, 2ième siècles av J. -C. au musée national archéologique d’Athènes. Probablement les ancêtres de Pantalon et Polichinelle, les personnages du Néa Grecque étaient comme ceux de la Commedia Dell’arte,…