Deluge scene by Joseph-Désiré Court

Deluge scene

The Deluge Scene by Joseph-Desire Court interprets the human disarray of those condemned by the judgment of God who set off the deluge on earth because he was not satisfied. He saved only Noah, his family and only one couple of each animal race … rather drastic.

Avenging God, biblical metaphor, this painting still shows a certain criticism of the judgment of God showing us innocent convicts, a child, a woman, an old man and on the promontory the strength of the young man trying to save his family, all going towards a certain inevitability. God did not see it like that.

Deluge scene by Joseph-Désiré Court

Deluge scene by Joseph-Désiré Court

Deluge scene by Joseph-Désiré Court

Deluge scene by Joseph-Désiré Court