
Cratère à volutes Stabies

White marble spiral Crater

A volute crater is a large vase of antiquity in which wine and water were mixed. This one, in white marble, was part of the garden furniture of a villa excavated in Stabies in 1749….

Navires de guerre romains

Roman warships

This fresco discovered in Pompeii represents two magnificent Roman warships armed with rams at the bow. A rare work that gives us an idea of the colours and the presence of these ships from which…

Les trois Grâces

The Three Graces

The three daughters of Jupiter, Thalie, Euphrosyne and Aglaia represent abundance, joy and splendor, respectively. The three Graces are positive symbols representing happiness, fertility, beauty and creativity as much for the Romans as for the…


Venus, Goddess of Love

Venus, the goddess of love and fertility, venerated by the Romans her cult was assimilated to that of Aphrodite among the Greeks. Patroness of the city of Pompei under the name of Venus Fisica Pompeiana,…

Femme romaine se coiffant

Young Roman woman styling herself

The preservation of Pompeii, by its burial in the volcanic ashes of Vesuvius, has brought to our days scenes of the common life more rare. They are frescoes that in their time were more decorative…

Statuette de Bacchus

Statuette of Bacchus

Bacchus (Greek, Dionysus) is the god of fertility and wine. His cult is associated with wild rituals, sensual and unbridled, where sex and drunkenness often hold a large place. Despite the decree adopted by the…

Statuette d'un athlète ou d'un guerrier

Statuette of an athlete or warrior

There is little information about this heroic sculpture except that it comes from the House of Scientists in Pompeii. Statuette of an athlete or a warrior? This is the title given to him at the…

Apollon archaïque

Archaic Apollo with a griffin

This sculpture of Apollo accompanied by a griffin was discovered in the house of Menander in Pompeii. This house probably belonged to a certain Quintus Poppeus who was related to Nero’s second wife, Poppea. Despite…